Barbara Jean

February 21, 2019

Axcentive is present at VIV Asia 2019

Check out Halamid® : Our powerful disinfectant for Livestock and Aquaculture. The difference with all other water treatment products in Aquaculture is this combination of great […]
December 21, 2018

Greetings from Axcentive

The whole Axcentive Team would like to thank all its trading partners. This year was rich of challenges, projects for which you have contributed. Thank you […]
December 7, 2018

E.coli: Less Antibiotics means more Biosecurity

The threat of E.coli infection in poultry farms has never been far away. It continues to be one of the most important sources of economic and […]
September 5, 2018

Halamid® and probiotics

Many fish and shrimp farmers that are interested in using Halamid®, for protection of their valuable crop, ask us how this will interfere with the probiotics […]