Czech veterinary magazine writes about Halamid®’s role for fish health

In a recent issue of the Czech veterinary magazine ‘veterinářství’, the authors discuss the benefits of Halamid in aquaculture, now being the sole Chloramine T product available in the Czech Republic.  

The article was written by Dr Jitka Kolářová from the faculty of fisheries and protection of waters, University of South Bohemia in české budějovice, Czech Republic and Dr Leona Nepejchalová from the institute for state control of veterinary biologicals and medicines in Brno, Czech Republic.

The authors write: “As part of solving health problems in fish farming in the Czech Republic (CZ), off-label treatment with the biocidal product Chloramine T is often used as the first choice before antibiotic treatment is indicated. Historically, the use of Chloramine T (supplied by Schulke CZ) in RAS systems in the CZ have always been successful to treat and control bacteria outbreaks. However, this product will be discontinued for sales in CZ, making Halamid (consisting of 100% Chloramine T, and produced by Axcentive) now the preferred treatment fully registered and available for CZ fish farmers.”

Tolerance testing in fish

To demonstrate that HalamidⓇ is effective and a good (or even better) replacement, the authors shared the results of the tolerance testing they did to compare Chloramine-T from Schullke CZ (product A) with HalamidⓇ from Axcentive (product B). The tests were done under laboratory conditions on aquarium fish Brachydanio rerio (used for acute toxicity tests according to OECD standards).

Two separate tanks were treated for 3 consecutive days with either product A or product B at a dose of 20 mg/l for 20 minutes with subsequent transfer to clean water.

Table 1 – Dosage of product A and product B in the tolerance tests.

Considered a safe replacement

The tolerance test results were the similar for both preparations (A and B) with no fish mortality and no changes in the behaviour of the treated fish. Further semi-operational testing of product B (HalamidⓇ) in RAS with stocks of zander (Sander lucioperca) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) was conducted at a dose of 20 mg/l for 20 minutes with subsequent discharge of the bath outside the RAS. The application was performed once a day for 3 consecutive days and repeated 3 times. This showed that HalamidⓇ can be recommended for practice as a safe replacement for product A, given the identical composition of both preparations and the same efficacy can be expected.

About HalamidⓇ

HalamidⓇ is built on many years of expertise and regarded as an essential and reliable product for aquaculture. Its unique formula is designed to be powerful against diseases, yet safe to fish, shrimp and aquatic environments. HalamidⓇ is therefore the biocide of choice in the prevention of Bacterial Gill diseases, Columnaris and many other diseases that are caused by external bacteria, viruses and fungi. It can be used in salt, brackish, and freshwater environments.