July 3, 2024

Can I use Halamid against Giairdia Lamblia?

Yes, Halamid can kill Giairdia Lamblia and related Giairdia species at 2-3% concentration. In the case of pets please consider to completely soak carpets, blankets, scratch […]
July 3, 2024

How can I measure the chlorine content?

To determine the residual Halamid® concentration in water one can do Halamid ion testing in which you measure the chlorine content: Chlorine can be easily measured […]
July 3, 2024

What is the effect of Halamid on zooplankton

Zooplankton is a broad collection of small aquatic organisms, in terms of cell number, larger than bacteria, viruses or fungi. These more complex organisms are less […]
July 3, 2024

Do you have any supportive data on the percentage of killing when Halamid was applied at 10ppm in water with aquatic species living in the water during any disease challenge? For example, Vibrio parahaemolyticus?

To achieve a complete killing of Vibrio (from a high level e.g. > 1000000) you need at least 10 ppm Halamid (possibly more at high organic […]