
April 10, 2018

Growing shrimp: choices for the environment have to be made.

For decades, growing shrimp has been a profitable but also risky business for farmers due to the risk of viral diseases that can sweep away complete […]
February 8, 2018

Halamid® prominently present in Thai shrimp farmers’ club

During the weekend of February 20 and 21 the Chanthaburi Shrimp Farmers’ Club held their annual conference and exhibition. Halamid® was prominently present in the booth […]
September 14, 2017

Welcome CALICTUS: Halamid’s lead channel for aquaculture and domestic animal markets in Germany!

Calictus Filtersystems has been recently appointed as Halamid® distributor for aquaculture and domestic animal markets in Germany.   Calictus has more than 30 years’ experience in […]
August 4, 2017

Halamid® is registered for Veterinary applications in Hungary

The green light was received recently by the Hungarian authorities. Halamid® is approved as highly effective broad spectrum bactericide, virucide and fungicide for poultry & livestock […]