Barbara Jean

April 30, 2020

Aerial disinfection with Halamid® as useful addition to biosecurity protocols

The role and the importance of biosecurity measures in maintaining disease-free flocks no longer needs to be demonstrated. This discipline is recognised by the World Organization […]
January 24, 2020

Need protection against Corona virus ?

Almost 20 years after the SARS outbreak, the Coronavirus is back in the global news. The Chinese city of Wuhan is in quarantine, in an effort […]
January 24, 2020

Beat the ASF-virus with Halamid®

Since well more than a year African Swine Fever (ASF) is making headlines. In Asia and in particular in China this is giving turmoil even on […]
December 5, 2019

Antimicrobial resistance – the time to act is now!

Antibiotics used in aquaculture farming contribute to the global problem of antimicrobial resistance, which threatens the world population. However, approaches that can slow down this development […]